WALT: We are learning to self assess our work.
Sc: I will
Self assess my writing with the 7 elements.
Ideas: Why I gave myself a 5 is because I have lots of ideas that connect to the topic and each idea is supported by extra information.
Structure & Language: Why I gave my self a 5 is because my writing is structured appropriately and is well developed.
I use a range of language feature that are appropriate.
Organisation: Why I gave my self a 6 is because my ideas are organised in paragraphs.
I can use language feature that link ideas (e.g. topic sentences, sub-headings etc) when appropriate, to help one paragraph flow into the next.
Vocabulary: Why I gave my self a 4 is because I use a range of words and phrases to add detail and give specific information.
I choose words to make people want to read my writing.
Sentence structure: Why I gave my self a 4 is because I can write most of my sentence correctly. I can write sentence with different beginnings and different length and types.
All my sentence are correct but are all the same type.
Punctuation: Why I gave my self a 5 is because I can use correct sentence punctuation (capital letters, full stops, !, ?)
correct use of other punctuation (contractions, commas in lists) with experimentation in complex punctuation (e.g., direct speech, commas for phrases and clauses.
Spelling: Why I gave my self a 5 is because I spell the majority of essential list words correctly. I spell some difficult* words correctly, using my knowledge of spelling patterns and sounds.